Thoughts about java, ruby, agile and other every developer stuff.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

After JavaTechKonf

Ok, the conference is over, we have good time on JavaTechKonf after party

I worry about Merlin fellows, because they go home, and as they said they are to tired to go with us.

In my opinion Tomek and Piotr was greatest on the conference.

Redmat, yep this is the main process thread. What can I said : maybe I don’t know him as I want to, second he was a orchestra men, when I’ve got a problem I can blindly call him and there’s no problem anymore. Last time I think that if I have some Redmat properties then I was super human as well. Lastly I think about :”why it was Readmat?” and my wife said “Redmat was a men who can die in simple way, it’s not Redmat way”, and I agree with here, there was no more people like him.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

JavaTechConf 2007

I'm on JavaTechConf now. The first presentation was about Apache Geronimo. Great Stuff. Jacek as always was so talkative that he run out time. His example didn't work and it was a lot of fan.

Next presentation was my favorite because it was presented by friend of mine. Tomek was great, good jokes makes fun people. His presentation was hard, there are much theory, but simple example Tomek shows us clarify all. Very Good presentation.

Flex presentation don’t concern me so much because we have one on our WJUG meetings. I listen it from time to time.

Now lunch time. Redmat still in mind but Krakow calls us


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gone with redmat

The adventure of Redmat stops here. There's no Redmat anymore.
Fuckable world ....

Sunday, May 13, 2007


There are everywhere, please stop them or …. maybe use them ?.
The widgets are useful small programs run on top on widget engine. For someone who must use windows it’s a killer feature. Thanks to them you can enhance your pulpit and do many things you can’t in pure Windows installation. This is the brief list of widgets. I have used only Yahoo widget IMO it’s ok, and ab5k it’s ok ... but now there are few widgets which are toys. If you use some of them please feel free to comment, and share your point of view. And now The List:
  • XUL the first one as I know, it can be run on mozilla products (thunderbird, mozilla, firefox). Thanks to XULRunner you can run it without this platforms. Thousands plugins, but the technology is a little bit old.
  • AB5k for java users it java 6 widget system. Today it has too little widgets out of box but who knows ..
  • Google Gadgets (they must have own name ;) ) – many many widgets and of course Google can’t be wrong.
  • Microsoft Gadgets they must have own name too, but they probably don’t know Google Gadgets. There are about 1 thousand of M$ widgets. It was created for Vista but, there is also XP port (not from M$ ofcourse).
  • Yahoo Widget my favorite, maybe not the best. Yahoo get widgets with one of firm which yahoo bought. The widget is nice and good looking. There are many useful widget for example JIRA widget which has ability to get your task list into desktop. There are about two thousand widget so you find something useful for you. One more think, you can't use if you havn't enough free memory.
  • AOL has widget system called Boxly.
There are also many open source solutions iCarousel .

Which are the bestm i don't know, IMO I suggest choose your favorit, install it, keep it and claim it’s the best ;)

Artist souls

You have a soul of artist? This site is for you “Portrayl” . It allows you to create story, adding chapters, and when you decided it is done, you can create eBook. The point is that others people can add chapters to your story too. From friend of mine there are also second literature social site from AOL called Ficlet, so now it’s time to consider if better make startup for google for few millions $ or write another Harry Potter for many-millions $. Good Consider Time ;)


Saturday, May 12, 2007

The JavaOne is over

The hot topic on java one was Java Business Integration. Tibco has demonstrated ActiveMatrix 1.0, Sun has it’s JSR 208 (JBI) reference implementation called OpenESB, and what’s important JSR 312 JBI 2.0 has just begun.

DWR 2.0 is nearly out. It’s have three improvements: dynamic JS generation from Java, asynchronous messages from server, and security improvements to reduce possibility of XSS and CSRF

Sun has showed his own performance test tool called FABAN. It has CDDL license and I guarantee that I am going to write something about it in near feature

The conference is over. There are many interesting materials about this conference over the net. I suggest you to visit JavaOne site.

To much work (django conference& osgi presentation), to much pleasures (TLove rulez), I don’t know how can I afford this and that, but I am still alive ;).

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Some news after may long weekend

MooTools have just released version 1.1, What is MooTools ? From MooTools site „MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented javascript framework designed to make writing extensible and compatible code easier and faster. MooTools lets you get the job done efficiently and effectively.”
In version 1.1 they have optimized speed, added demos. In my opinion when you don’t have enough JS skills, MooTools allows you to achieve many nice to eye visual site decoration without pain.

Another exciting news is Sun JavaFx. Last time when I was written about Silverlight and new war between M$ and Adobe. Sun has one word to add here : “JavaFx”. The project is interesting, I looked at the demos, but I don’t know it’s not too late for this, maybe in mobile, I don’t know. But certainly I will look closer at this project later. For now it’s very controversial, but SUN can’t be wrong ;).

Google Analytics has new functions and fillings, the second version is more web2.0 application.
I still waiting for upgrading, but friend of mine already have had upgrade. It’s look nice, has more functionality and Avinash Kaushik made great description of it

Commons Configuration version 1.4 it’s helpful library from ASF. It provide a generic interface to manage application configuration. The configuration can be read from such sources as Properties files, XML documents, JDBC , System properties, Servlet parameters and few more.

If you are sentimental, so you should appreciate gays who writes old machine emulation. Last release of amiga emulator WinUAE improves “fullscreen” mode. Of course there are others ports E-UAE for *-nix systems and Mac which has the same improvements as WinUAE. And of course inspiration for this project UAE. Good to recall hours spends on playing games.

Last quick news, if you Titter Fan so you should look here for Twittersce which allows feed access from mobile phones
